Martin Mariassouce - Te Puni Kōkiri

He hōnore he korōria ki te Atua, he maungarongo ki te whenua, he whakaaro pai ki ngā tangata katoa, ngā mihi ki a tatou katoa. Currently Martin leads a team responsible for the regional outreach of the Ministry’s vision ‘Thriving Whānau’ and has a role as Government’s principal policy advisor on Māori wellbeing and development. Martin and his team do this through a mixture of data led evidence-based approaches, small innovative regional investments to ‘test’ ways of doing things and supporting and influencing agencies in their delivery to Māori. They work across communities, Iwi, hapū, whānau and Māori, Government and Local Body organisations. Kai ōku nei iti, kai ōku rahi tēnā tātou kātoa.


Te Miha Ua - Oranga Tamariki